What is whatsapp icon
What is whatsapp icon

what is whatsapp icon

Here we have created one example to change color of icons with css classes. Sometimes we need icons in different color, as we suggested by adding css style we can change color. Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Whatsapp Color Smililarly you can add border color, shadow and other font styles to Whatsapp. On the same way you can change size of Whatsapp icon by just adding style="font-size:50px ". It is pretty simple to change color of icon Whatsapp just add style="color:red" it will make font color red. All this is placed in a white cloud (a text bubble with a tail at the bottom. You can customize Font Awesome Icon whatsapp Icon Whatsapp as per your requirement, suppose that you need to chnage the color of Whatsapp icon or change the size of size. A large icon is embedded in a simple icon: the green color of the background symbolizes that the WhatsApp lines are always free to communicate, and the raised handset symbolizes the freedom of communication and the ability to call anywhere in the world at any time. You need to add the icon class along with material-icons, it is basically main class and mandatory for icons so do not forget to add this class. Font Awesome Icon whatsapp Icon | fa fa whatsapp | HTML, CSSĪdding Font Awesome Icon HTML Whatsapp( fa fa-whatsapp) in web project is very simple.

What is whatsapp icon